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The “Broward County – Federal Law Enforcement – Lodge # 138”, was created during the month of April 1993, by thirty dedicated U.S. Customs Officers, assigned to the US Customs Service duty station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our members wanted to find a federal law enforcement labor organization that would support and defend our members on a national level.
We discovered such an organization the “Fraternal Order of Police” and the brotherhood of law enforcement officers throughout the United States. The FOP consists of members from all levels of the government; federal, state, municipal and county. The “Fraternal Order of Police” is the largest law enforcement labor organization in the United States protecting the rights and concerns of over 300,000 officers and 2100 local lodges.
Since our start, the “Fraternal Order of Police” has gain a greater understanding of the many difficulties facing federal law enforcement officers throughout the United States in today’s environment and culture, especially in 2020.
Over the past three decades, our lodge has continued to grow in membership and strength accepting members from throughout the United States. Currently our lodge consists of one hundred and ten members from twelve federal law enforcement agencies
In 2011, our lodge voted to accept as members, retired officers from other law enforcement agencies to include state and local municipalities.
Our lodge has been active on both the political frontier and working within the business community.
On the political front, our lodge officers have been actively pursuing the rights, concerns, and benefits of all federal law enforcement officers throughout the United States. Over the past twenty-seven years, our lodge has taken an active role in aiding the “National FOP Grand Lodge” in finding issues that affect federal law enforcement officers throughout the federal government.
In the area of community service, our lodge has supported various charitable organizations and civic groups throughout Broward County, Florida to include the Broward County – Easter Seals Association, the Broward Outreach Program, and the Broward County – Women in Distress Center.
Delegates from our lodge are selected by our membership, to attend the “National Peace Officers Memorial” services, held in Washington, DC, on May 15th, hosted by the “FOP National Grand Lodge”. We also take part and send lodge delegates to the FOP National Conference held every two years and state conferences and board meetings held throughout the year in the state of Florida.
Our lodge meetings are held once a month, usually on the forth Tuesday and is currently held at: “Duffy’s Sports Grill” located at 811 S. University Drive, Plantation, Florida (954) 473-0477
If you would like more information about our federal law enforcement lodge, contact President – Rick Tallent at: [email protected].
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